Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wordle Lesson Plan

Teacher: Casey Bialek           
Grade Level: Middle School- Museum Education
Title: Expressive Wordles

Brief History and Background: Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter whose work is known for its large brush strokes, intense color, and rough texture. We will look at look at Van Gogh paintings and learn different words to describe works of art.
Standards: 9.2   9.3   9.4

Goal: Students will create one hand-made and one computer-created wordle using descriptive words about a painting from the gallery.

Objectives: Students will:
  • learn and understand the elements of art and the principles of design.
  • learn and use new vocabulary when viewing/describing a painting.
  • work cooperatively with a partner on the entire project.
  • create TWO wordles: one hand-made, one computer-generated.
Resource Materials/Visual Aides:
  • slide show/power point of Van Gogh images
  • sample wordles (hand-made and computer-generated)
  • actual paintings in the gallery
Supplies/Materials: Large paper (12x14), pencils, colored pencils, computer
Teacher Preparation:
  • create sample wordles
  • create slide show of images
  • select which gallery of paintings to take students
  • prepare supplies for students
Introduction: Showing Van Gogh paintings, the teacher will explain the elements of art and the principles of design. The teacher will also ask students to think of and share other words that can be used to describe each painting. Encourage students to think about how the painting makes them feel, what they see/don’t see, or how they might improve the painting. Describe each brush stroke, different sections, and the painting as a whole. Students may write some words down to help them get started when they pick a painting to describe.

  • Students select a partner and line up next to them. We will go to the gallery together, and each group will select a painting. Using vocabulary we discussed, and other descriptive words, come up with a list of at least 20 words to describe the painting.
  • When we return to class, partners will come up with a final list of at least 20 words to use in their wordles (both wordles will contain the same words). Students will come up with a color scheme for both of their wordles.
  • Students will work together to create both wordles; using a 12x14 sheet of paper and colored pencils, and visiting www.wordle.net.
Critique/Evaluation/Assessment: Each group will hang both of their wordles on the board. Groups will present their wordles and explain how they came up with their descriptive words for their paintings. (Students must print out a reproduction of the painting they saw in the gallery and bring it in to the 2nd class. If they cannot find it/print it, they may ask the teacher to do so.)

Time Budget: 2 class periods

Vocabulary: color, form/shape, line, space, texture, value, balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, proportion, repetition, unity

Safety Concerns: keeping track of all students in the gallery and making sure they abide by museum rules

Bibliography/References: www.wordle.net